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  • Writer's pictureAlexa Fay

LF SALE: What You Need To Know

Updated: Dec 19, 2019

Wearing my Furst Of A Kind vintage flannel and Steve Madden Bryanne slip on sneakers

One of my top five favorite sales of the year! Yes... LF Stores is known for their vintage flannels, Carmar denim, amazing patch work, and their unique shoe selection... with really high price points. Good thing they are also known to have the biggest sale twice a year in clothing history ( this could be a complete lie, but it's totally believable ).

If you have ever stepped foot in any LF store during their sale, you know it is extremely overwhelming... but that's what I'm here for. After being a past employee and repeat customer, I think it's safe to say I have mastered the art of shopping during sale. So here are my top 5 tips to shopping the LF Sale and getting high quality clothes for a steal.

Tip #1

Prioritize Your First Week Purchases

You want to buy everything you see, believe me I understand, but you need to be smart about it. The first week of the sale is 60% off.......yes that is a major discount, but this is just the starting point for LF. The sale will eventually go to 70% off, 80% off, and then to final markdowns. You need to buy the items you know won't be there at the end.

Vintage Tees: All the tee's are one of a kind, which means the printed image, the way they are cut, what's sewn on them, etc. is different on every item. If you don't get these the first week, you will find yourself settling for designs at the end.

Vintage Flannels and Vintage Denim Shirts: These are also one of a kind, so you want to make sure you get at least a few good ones in the beginning. These tend to run big so if you wait towards the end, you will find yourself swimming in an ugly colored flannel or denim shirt.

Denim Shorts: For some reason Carmar shorts fit me the best out of any other brand. So if you don't snatch these the first week of the sale, you won't be able to find your size and the style you want during the last week.

Bandeaus: Don't ask me why, but these fly off the shelves. All though some may be overpriced, they fit great and go well with all of their clothing, being that most of the items are see through or open in some way. If you want any type of neutral shade, you better go now. Seriously run.

Tip #2

Best Time To Go

Early. Weekdays. When they open. If you don't do were warned.

On a real note, if you get there around the time they open, you will be able to shop the store when it is the most organized by far and when you won't be shuffling around with a million people. Trust me

Tip #3

Fitting Room

When you walk into the store, you'll notice it is extremely crowded. Because of this and the limited amount of dressing rooms, there is usually a very long list of people waiting. Make sure you put yourself on the waiting list right away, because by the time you're done looking through piles or you develop a mountain of clothing you would like to try on, your name will most likely be called.

Tip #4

Do Your Research

LF doesn't have a website where you can view their merchandise, so go on Instagram and follow LFstores and your local LF's pages to get an idea of what you might want. That way, if you know something specific you can ask people working there if they have any of them left and they'll point you in the right direction.

Sale season is the best season at LF, so make sure to take advantage and use my tips. Happy shopping!

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